
erdem sensation.

There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that Erdem is genius. Now i promised you Erdem, i give you Erdem.

My first thought: Damn this dress pops. The makeup is so hollow and dark around the eyes that you can almost see right through into what I would imagine is a black soul (just the makeup, not the models soul, a black soul of makeup *let me be clear*)
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The print. Wow. POP. Lindsay White is red hot this fashion week!
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The layering is perfection. The colours mesh so well together. The belt is to die for. Such a simple detail but so perfect.
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This dress didn't POP as much as the one above, but the detail is just so beautiful I couldn't neglect it. I am in love with the overlapping of the beautiful flowers and lace.
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Lindsay POPS again. Full length is never my favourite but I am drooling here.
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Ming Xi is the new asian sensation. 13 shows booked already and its not even half over yet. My god. Here we go Ming, watch out for her.
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I am in love with Erdem and always have been.

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