
the finders keepers.

oh my,
the best website in the world is:

5 comments: said...

Thanks for sharing, Honey. I never seen before, but definetly is really great website... :)

Anne said...

No, thank you! sorry about the long post, i take my time explaining my interning! hehe, but if you had anything offhand, you don't habve to go out of your way and draw anything for me!
Thx so much doll! The drawings are gorgeous

Anne said...

oh and, (sorry I'm posting often, teehee)amazing website, the art is really different, eye catching and really makes you interpret!

Anne said...

oh, and i forgot, i know Tanya D. too, not sure if she's going to Carmel, but she's friends with everyone, even the younger girls in IMG and Marilyn. Is it okay if I show them my blog at work today? the ones that come?

Anonymous said...

awesome! thanks for sharing!



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